Absolutely Incredible Kid Day - March
Thu, Mar 21, 2024

Absolutely Incredible Kid Day

Absolutely Incredible Kid Day is an annual American holiday celebrating outstanding children. Your child already knows the alphabet at age 3 or is a master at modeling figures out of plasticine. Congratulate him, because he deserves it! The holiday is celebrated every third Thursday in March.


The story of Absolutely Incredible Kid Day begins in 1997, when it was first established. Originally, it was a nationwide effort to bring out the talents in their children and develop them. The creation was greatly facilitated by CampFire. It works to create children’s groups that recruit children of different races and religions. There the children were taught various skills (practiced hiking, outdoor activities, etc.) and from childhood the idea of equality was promoted. The possibility of humiliation or insults on racial and religious grounds was excluded.

The celebration of Absolutely Incredible Kid Day is actively supported by various children’s organizations, art schools, clubs and more. This day is dedicated not only to children, but also to their parents, who were able to see the talent in their child and help him with his development.

Interesting facts

  • The emotional state of gifted and talented children should be closely monitored. They can often place too high demands on themselves, which makes them susceptible to stress and nervous overload.
  • Talent in children can be developed. If a child is interested in something, then joint efforts can make significant achievements of his child in this direction. At the same time you should not force your child and impose your point of view.

How to celebrate

If you notice your child’s talent or predisposition to a particular activity, work with him or her in that direction. Enroll your child in a hobby group.

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When is Absolutely Incredible Kid Day celebrated in 2024?

Absolutely Incredible Kid Day is observed annually on the third Thursday in March.


Weekday Month Day Year
Thursday March 21 2024
Thursday March 20 2025