Apple Gifting Day - January 1
Mon, Jan 1, 2024

Apple Gifting Day

Apple Gifting Day is a cozy and delicious holiday closely related to the celebration of the New Year. These fruits symbolize health, and they have a beneficial effect on the human body – it is always appropriate to present them to loved ones. So without words you wish good health for the whole year!


Apples were used as a gift at all times even before the birth of Christ. The tradition existed in the Greek and Roman empires. Americans are very fond of this custom, it probably came to these lands along with European settlers. It is noteworthy that teachers in the United States in the early years were paid with apples – now students can give them fruits as a token of attention and gratitude.

Gifts were considered a sign of wealth: in the past, fruits were not as common as they are now. The recipient was deeply grateful for such a gesture and was sure to try to repay the same. It is difficult to say in what period the fruits appeared on the planet, but millions of years have definitely passed since that moment. Even in ancient times, there were gardens where trees were grown – there is documentary evidence of this.

Interesting facts

Did you know:

  • until the 17th century, all fruits that differed in appearance from berries were called “apple”;
  • the most famous myth is a beautiful legend about a forbidden fruit growing on a sacred tree and plucked by the first woman Eve;
  • apples have a huge amount of useful vitamins;
  • fruits quickly turn black due to antioxidants oxidized under the influence of enzymes and oxygen;
  • today there are more than 7500 species on the planet – try, understand them;
  • the main supplier is China, exporting 44 million tons per year;
  • apples have a deadly poison – cyanide, however, its content is critically low, so you are not in danger.

How to celebrate

The best way to celebrate Apple Gifting Day is to give a sweet fruit to a loved one. Complement it with beautiful packaging, a postcard with pleasant wishes. Eat fruit every day and you won’t need a doctor. Share them on social media.

When is Apple Gifting Day celebrated in 2024?

Apple Gifting Day is observed on January 1 each year.


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