Barbershop Quartet Day - April 11
Thu, Apr 11, 2024

Barbershop Quartet Day

Story goes ordinary American whiling away time in barbershop in line to get haircut likes listening to certain music, sing along, does it so well that on April 11 they established special holiday — Barbershop Quartet Day. Special teams compete for right to be called the best in direction.

The History

Musical tradition inherent in institutions, where men’s haircuts were made, dates back to XIX century, has African-American roots. Manner of improvising, singing songs, composing, waiting for barber’s chair to be free, turned into real tradition, became separate genre. During Great Depression popularity of music declined. Quartet festival was organized in Oklahoma by activists in 1938. It has become tradition. Women have been taking part in events since 1945. Quartets became mixed, music got new sound.

Fun Facts

Notable feature of quartet performance is singing without musical accompaniment, a cappella, simple text, rhythmic melody remembered.

  1. Hairdressers existed back in Ancient Egypt days, confirmed by rock carvings depicting barbers tools.
  2. In ancient times hairdressers were considered people endowed with special ability to protect from evil spirits by making special haircuts, styled hair in special way. It helped prevent the demon from invading a person’s soul.
  3. In Middle Ages hairdressers did haircuts, shaved beards, and… Treated teeth, did simple surgical operations.

Listen to special quartet. This is guaranteed to cheer up, charge with cheerfulness and give inspiration. Sing it, record video, share it. Alternative is to attend concert of professional performers, get acquainted with new modern sound combining old traditions, innovations.

When is Barbershop Quartet Day celebrated in 2024?

Barbershop Quartet Day is observed on April 11 each year.


Thursday April 11 2024
Friday April 11 2025
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