Change A Light Day - October
Sun, Oct 1, 2023

Change A Light Day

Did you know that the problem of high electricity bills can be easily solved? Change A Light Day exists to make everyone aware of this and to encourage people to switch from conventional incandescent bulbs to LED ones. LED bulbs not only help save money but also have a beneficial effect on the environment. Join the holiday and learn how to take part!


Change A Light Day was founded in 2005 by Kentucky energy companies, asking the governor to spread the word to the public. The first event was held with great success, involving students and various institutions. Experts discussed the importance of switching to LED light bulbs. Before this, everyone had been using Edison lamps, however, in 1960 the first LED appeared. Since then, the industry has developed, introducing lamps that consume 90% less energy than conventional ones and can last up to 11 years with constant operation.

Interesting facts

  • There is a lamp that has been shining since 1901 in the California fire department.
  • Niagara Falls was illuminated in 1879 with an illumination equivalent to 250 million candles.
  • Light has momentum.
  • Light is a part of the electromagnetic spectrum that is visible to the human eye and LED bulbs emit visible light, making them energy efficient.

How to take part

Change the bulbs following our advice, if you have not already done so. Turn off the lights in rooms you are not currently using – it’s that simple! Teach household members the same control and share your knowledge with your loved ones to help make the world a better place.

When is Change A Light Day celebrated in 2023?

Change A Light Day is observed on the first Sunday in October each year.


Weekday Month Day Year
Sunday October 1 2023
Sunday October 6 2024
Sunday October 5 2025
Sunday October 4 2026

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