Corn on the Cob Day - June 11
Tue, Jun 11, 2024

Corn on the Cob Day

Although it is early to harvest, summer dictates the rules: June 11 is painted in bright sunny banners wishing you a happy Corn on the Cob Day. To enhance this expressive taste, add salt, butter, soy sauce, curry, or coconut milk.

The History

Corn was actively grown on the territory of modern Mexico 10 thousand years ago. The plant species evolved; the grains grew in size. Sweet corn varieties were developed by scientists from the University of Illinois in the middle of the last century.

Interesting Facts

The sweet taste of corn on cob persists for only a short period. For this reason, it is essential to harvest at the right time to enjoy the full taste of this treat.

  1. An obvious sign of ripe corn is soft-to-the-touch kernels.
  2. Corn can be cooked with different methods: boiling, grilling on the stove or open fire, and eating it raw as a side dish.
  3. Corn can be processed into crumbs.

It is added to cosmetics and medicines, to help with the destruction of infections, bacteria, and microbes.

How to take part

You are lucky if you live in Minnesota. On this holiday, there is a parade dedicated to honor the Queen of the Fields: fun, spectacular, and memorable. Concerts with songs and dancing are held, talented people perform on an improvised stage. Guests feast on corn purchased from street vendors. It is an authentic celebration. Take beautiful pictures with corn, post it on a social network page with an appropriate caption. See how your virtual friends spend their time and rate their photos.

Read informative texts about corn, and test your friends’ knowledge. Arrange a contest with a cute prize for the winner who answered the most questions — ripe corn, barbecue, applause, admiration, or awarding them the status of corn party King!

When is Corn on the Cob Day celebrated in 2024?

Corn on the Cob Day is observed on June 11 each year.


Weekday Month Day Year
Tuesday June 11 2024
Wednesday June 11 2025