Denim Day - April
Wed, Apr 24, 2024

Denim Day

Denim Day is a worldwide day dedicated to the victims of sexual violence. It is celebrated annually on the last Wednesday of April. How the holiday is connected with the popular fabric denim, from which shirts, jeans and other things are made, now tell us!


The story of Denim Day begins with the events of the summer of 1998. At the time, an 18-year-old girl in Italy was raped by a man who was her driving instructor. The court found him guilty, but he was later released. The convict filed an appeal, in which the main thesis was that it was mutual, as he would not have taken off the tight jeans himself. Under this delusional justification he was released. The next day, the women came to work wearing blue skinny jeans, expressing sympathy for the injured girl and protesting the cancelled punishment. The day has since begun to be observed annually, including in the United States.

Thus Denim Day appeared, and the fabric itself became a symbol for all victims of sexual abuse.

Interesting facts

  • Victims of violence in 80% of cases will need psychological help, because the traumatic experience is fraught with psychological problems: neurosis, depression, panic attacks, anxiety, etc.
  • Statistically, only 4 cases out of 1,000 reach the court. This is due to intimidation and the personal fear of the girls to appear in society as such a victim. At the same time, the chance of acquittal is very high, provided the rapist has a good lawyer.
  • As a result of rape, more than 30,000 unplanned pregnancies occur each year.

How to celebrate

Research more statistics about sexual violence in the state or country where you live. Have anyone you know been a victim of sexual violence. Were they able to obtain justice?

Spread the word about the holiday on social media. Let more people know about it!

When is Denim Day celebrated in 2024?

Denim Day is observed on the last Wednesday of April.


Weekday Month Day Year
Wednesday April 24 2024
Wednesday April 30 2025