Holiday Dinosaur Day
Sat, Jun 1, 2024

Dinosaur Day

Dinosaur Day is the perfect holiday to expand your knowledge and learn more about dinosaurs. These large extinct animals inspire fear and fascinate with their size and majesty.

The History

The Mesozoic, or ‘dinosaur’, era began more than 250 million years ago. The word dinosaur means terrible lizard. It did not appear until 1842. They were named reptiles by Richard Owen. Nowadays, scientists study a lot about their movement and development. By the way, birds are considered dinosaurs’ descendants.

The last dinosaurs lived on our planet 64 million years ago. Why did the dinosaurs die out? Scientists are inclined to believe a giant meteorite hit Earth. When a huge cloud of dust had formed, the sun had been blocked, and the air temperature had dropped, dinosaurs could live no longer. These creatures were cold-blooded and could not survive without heat.

It is unknown when Dinosaur Day was established. The holiday’s purpose is expanding knowledge and joining the study of interesting artifacts. The holiday is enjoyed by children who love to study the dinosaurs’ life, as well as various scientific organizations.

Interesting Facts

  • Dinosaurs lived all over the Earth.
  • About 1000 species of dinosaurs are known to science.
  • The highest dinosaur diplodocus was 79 feet tall.
  • The smallest dinosaur’s remains were found on a modern German territory. Scientists have established its weight was 2.5 kg.
  • The closest relative of dinosaurs living on Earth is the crocodile.
  • The brain size of most dinosaurs was like a walnut.

How to take part

There are several ways to have a great Dinosaur Day:

  • Visit a museum.
  • Create a dinosaur model (using construction kit or wood).
  • Visit online programs.
  • Play themed board games.

When is Dinosaur Day Celebrated in 2024?

Dinosaur Day is observed on June 1st.


Weekday Month Day Year
Saturday June 1 2024
Sunday June 1 2025