International Customs Day - January 26
Fri, Jan 26, 2024

International Customs Day

International Customs Day is a professional holiday for all customs officers. It reminds them of the importance of the business they do on a daily basis and allows people to become familiar with the basics.


In any developed country in the world there is a customs authority that takes responsibility for the transportation of goods and the collection of duties. Before you travel, you need to familiarize yourself with the laws. Administrations are supervised by the WCO. In 1948, the ECUSG study group was set up to study the possibility of establishing customs unions. The first appeared in 1952.

International Customs Day was established in 1983. By that time, the WCO (World Customs Organization) had become a global organization headquartered in Brussels. It lays down rules for an efficient form of administration and develops various customs procedures to guarantee the safety of citizens.

Interesting facts

  1. Prepared from sea turtles are strictly prohibited for transportation. Anyone who tries to ship the dish will have to pay a hefty fine.
  2. There are one hundred and forty-two countries among the members of the global organization WCO.
  3. This holiday was created in order to recall the importance of the work that customs officers perform. Knowing the law can be a great partner for every citizen. It will not only allow you to feel much more confident, but will also reduce the number of questions asked by customs officers.
  4. In 1952 The Customs Cooperation Council was created. In 1994, it was renamed the World Customs Organization.

How to celebrate

Not every educated person is familiar with the basic principles of customs work. Buy a few books on this topic on this day, try to find answers to exciting questions on the Internet, or watch educational videos. Any method will bear fruit if you put enough effort. Don’t forget to share your finds on social media. So it will turn out to attract much more people who can always be in the know.

When is International Customs Day celebrated in 2024?

International Customs Day is observed on January 26 each year.


Weekday Month Day Year
Friday January 26 2024
Sunday January 26 2025
Monday January 26 2026
Tuesday January 26 2027

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