International Eat an Animal for PETA Day - March 15
Fri, Mar 15, 2024

International Eat an Animal for PETA Day

International Eat an Animal for PETA Day is an international holiday created in support of people who oppose PETA’s ideals and program. Enjoy delicious meat on this day, disregarding the zealous protests of this organization, which tries to protect animals from human exploitation. It is celebrated annually on March 15.


The history of PETA began in 1990. Its creators I. Newkirk and A. Pacheco decided to direct the joint efforts of like-minded people, to free animals from human exploitation. In the beginning it started out well, but gradually the level of absurdity was pushed to the limit. We all understand how important animal welfare organizations are in today’s world when it comes to bullying owners or shooting rare Red Book species. These issues need to be worked on.

PETA supporters began to promote the idea of the complete rejection of animal resources: they can not be used as food, clothing, for scientific experiments, and so on. It makes absolutely no sense, considering that animals are bred for this purpose on prepared farms. The peak of absurdity was the advertising campaign, which was the reason for the creation of International Eat an Animal for PETA Day. Meryl Urie saw an advertisement in 2003 that compared eating meat to the Holocaust. Such impudence could not be tolerated, and Mary proposed the establishment of a holiday, which has been celebrated every year since.

Interesting facts

  • Despite loud statements about animal welfare, the practice of euthanasia (ending the life of a sick animal) is very common in PETA shelters.
  • In 2008, the organization announced the issuance of 1 million. dollars to scientists who can get chicken meat out of a test tube. Not surprisingly, no one was awarded the prize in 2022 either.
  • Because of provocative advertising campaigns, PETA has repeatedly been caught in international scandals. Criminal cases were even filed against the organization.

How to celebrate

Go with friends/family to a restaurant or cafe to enjoy delicious meat dishes. Prepare your own favorite dishes, you can fry a juicy steak.

Spread the word on social media. Ask other users how they feel about PETA’s activities.

When is International Eat an Animal for PETA Day celebrated in 2024?

International Eat an Animal for PETA Day is observed on March 15 each year.


Weekday Month Day Year
Friday March 15 2024
Saturday March 15 2025

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