Joseph Brackett Day - May 6
Mon, May 6, 2024

Joseph Brackett Day

Joseph Brackett Day is an American holiday dedicated to this famous man. Joseph Brackett is the author of the popular song “Simple Gifts. We celebrate this day to honor the songwriter and learn more about his life. It is celebrated annually on May 6.


Joseph Brackett was born on this day in 1797 in the town of Cumberland, which is territorially in Maine. The main merit of the man is that he joined the Shaker association, which had religious overtones, as its members believed in the second coming of Christ. In addition, the association was associated with music. Its members made an effort to find and preserve ancient American tunes as a cultural heritage.

In addition to preserving old compositions, Brackett proved himself worthy as a songwriter. In 1848 he wrote his legendary track “Simple Gifts. It was not initially popular enough, for it was a very simple track about humility. However, Joseph was later shocked by the success of the composition. Today you can hear it everywhere: at weddings, in churches, at funerals, and the like.

Interesting facts

  • Joseph joined the Shaker community at the age of 10.
  • Brackett’s track owes its popularity to A. Copeland, who used the motif in his score for the ballet.

How to celebrate

Listen to the track “Simple Gifts,” written by Brackett, on this day. Concentrate on your feelings as you listen. What emotions does the song evoke, what impression does it leave behind?

Tell about the holiday on social networks. Ask users if they’ve heard the song. Do they like the song?

When is Joseph Brackett Day celebrated in 2024?

Joseph Brackett Day is observed on May 6 each year.


Weekday Month Day Year
Monday May 6 2024
Tuesday May 6 2025

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