Mardi Gras - World
Tue, Feb 13, 2024

Mardi Gras

Mardi Gras is an annual festival celebrating the end of winter and the warmth of spring. The date of the holiday is constantly changing. It is celebrated 47 days before the Catholic Easter.


The celebration of Mardi Gras heralds the beginning of Lent. On this day there are mass events, colorful festivals. The most memorable celebrations take place in New Orleans. The holiday is also popular in Western Europe.

The holiday has pagan roots, which have successfully migrated to Catholic traditions. For this day, people prepare various treats: cream buns, pies, pancakes, and more. Today, Mardi Gras celebrations have taken on an unprecedented scale with colorful events where people dress up in costumes depicting monsters and monsters, loud music plays, song and dance contests are held, and homemade cakes are also available for purchase.

Each year Mardi Gras begins with a greeting of the king and queen, who lead the carnival. It is believed that this tradition came from 1827, when Russian Prince Alexei Alexandrovich went to New Orleans for his beloved (an actress from the United States – Lydia Thompson). There was a celebration going on. People learned of the prince’s arrival and made a platform with “Rex” written on it especially for him. That’s how he became the king of the festival. In later years, the tradition was continued.

Interesting facts

  • During the Mardi Gras festival beads are often handed out. It symbolizes health and prosperity.
  • The main conditions to follow at the feast are to eat, drink, and be entertained.
  • The official celebration of Mardi Gras was instituted by the Pope in the 16th century.

How to celebrate

If possible, be sure to visit New Orleans for the largest Mardi Gras celebration ever. Bake sweet treats for the holiday. There are always recipes online!

Spread the word on social media. Ask other users what their most memorable moments at the festival were.

When is Mardi Gras celebrated in 2024?

Mardi Gras beginning on or after the Christian feasts of the Epiphany (Three Kings Day) and culminating on the day before Ash Wednesday.


Weekday Month Day Year
Tuesday February 13 2024
Tuesday March 4 2025
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