Morse Code Day - April 27
Sat, Apr 27, 2024

Morse Code Day

Morse Code Day is a worldwide holiday commemorating the creation of Morse code. It became especially popular in the navy, allowing Allied ships to communicate at a distance using coded messages. The holiday is celebrated annually on April 27.


The history of Morse Code Day goes back several centuries. The future author of the coding system was born on this day in 1791. At that time messages were delivered only in the postal version. Letters took several weeks or more to arrive. The revolution in this direction occurred in 1832, when the telegraph was invented.

Samuel Morse joined forces with A. Weil and D. Henry, after which the development of a system of communication by means of the telegraph began. In 1836, the first version of the device was introduced, when when the signal was transmitted by means of electricity, the apparatus knocked out signs on paper. These included dots, intervals, and dashes. This was the first coding system. Vail later realized that the alphabet could be represented in this form. Thus Morse code took on its modern form. In 1851 a universal coding system came out, which is still used by amateurs today.

Morse code was actively used during WWII on military ships. While at a distance, coding specialists were able to transmit brief information to each other using the coding system created.

Interesting facts

  • Morse code has variations in different countries depending on the alphabet used.
  • The most famous SOS rescue signal has the following form: “… — …”.
  • Professional radio operators can transmit about 80 words per minute using Morse code.

How to celebrate

Learn the basic words and expressions that are transmitted in Morse code. Do this with family and friends and then pass coded messages to each other and decode them.

Spread the word about the holiday on social media. Ask users if they know how to use Morse code.

When Morse Code Day celebrated in 2024?

Morse Code Day is observed on April 27 each year.


Weekday Month Day Year
Saturday April 27 2024
Sunday April 27 2025

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