National Bouillabaisse Day - December 14
Thu, Dec 14, 2023

National Bouillabaisse Day

National Bouillabaisse Day is a great occasion to treat yourself to a legendary French dish! The complex name did not prevent it from gaining popularity; French journalist Alfred Capus even called it a combination of fish and sun.


Bouillabaisse is a dish that started out as a meal for the poorer segments of the population, since it was prepared from the day’s catch and sometimes included not-so-fresh ingredients. Over time, however, it has become a widely sought-after delicacy, and is now easy to find in high-end restaurants.

The origins of the dish can be traced back to ancient Greece, when Marseille was a Greek colony on the Mediterranean coast, founded around 600 BC. by settlers from Asia Minor. Kakavia, a kind of fish soup, was one of their many recipes and eventually evolved into the modern-day Bouillabaisse.

One of the legends associated with the dish tells of Venus cooking soup for her husband Vulcan, and after he was satisfied with it, he fell asleep sweetly. On National Bouillabaisse Day, no one needs to be “put to sleep”, but treats are always welcome!

Interesting facts

  • The difference between Bouillabaisse and ordinary fish soups is in the spices used: orange peel, saffron, and fennel.
  • Marseille fishermen used to eat the soup separately from the fish, dipping the pieces in garlic sauce.
  • In 1980, rules were established that described the ingredients of the real Bouillabaisse, as the Marseille restaurateurs noticed that the dish was being modified beyond recognition.

How to take part

National Bouillabaisse Day is the perfect opportunity to make the dish yourself and get a rich, bright, and amazing result! Alternatively, you can visit a restaurant and try the original version. Learn about the mythology associated with the stew and share the information with your friends.

When is National Bouillabaisse Day celebrated in 2023?

National Bouillabaisse Day is observed on December 14 each year.


Weekday Month Day Year
Thursday December 14 2023
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