National Granola Bar Day - January 21
Sun, Jan 21, 2024

National Granola Bar Day

Nutritious, tasty and healthy product provides a boost of energy and saves you from feeling hungry in the middle of a busy day. Man learned about granola more than 150 years ago, and since then, many cannot imagine breakfast without muesli. This wonderful product is dedicated to National Granola Bar Day.


Dr. James Caleb Jackson became the first person to make granola in 1863. At that time, he worked as a wellness center manager. One day he got the idea to roll granola in flour and bake it. So the first flakes appeared. A few years later, he opened Our Home Granula Company and began selling cereal under the Granula brand.

Dr. John Harvey Kellogg took note of James Caleb Jackson’s recipe but modified it. He made dough from oatmeal and wheat flour, crushed it, dried it and poured it with milk. This dish was liked by the patients of the sanatorium. New product John Harvey Kellogg called granola.

Over the decades, more and more varieties of granola have appeared on store shelves. Stanley Mason decided to compress the flakes. This is how the first granola bar was born. He did not even imagine that his invention would become a favorite product of athletes, people leading an active lifestyle, and later a snack treat for children and adults.

Useful facts

  • There are over 1000 varieties of granola bars in the world. The Jews call it matzo granola. This dish is prepared especially for Passover.
  • Nutritious breakfast cereals have become popular since the end of the 19 century.
  • Charles Wu Post was the first who decided to add a new ingredient to the cereal mixture – raisins.

How to celebrate

In honor of this day, you can cook the bars yourself, and even experiment with additives. At the end of the process, it is worth inviting friends to taste the resulting dish.

It will be informative to read about the history of the emergence of a useful product, as well as its value for the body.

The easiest way to join National Granola Bar Day is to go to the supermarket and pick up a few varieties of bars. They can be treated not only to relatives and friends, but also to distribute to passers-by, telling what holiday it is today.

When is National Granola Bar Day celebrated in 2024?

National Granola Bar Day is observed on January 21 each year.


Weekday Month Day Year
Sunday January 21 2024
Tuesday January 21 2025
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