National Hostess Twinkie Day - April 6
Sat, Apr 6, 2024

National Hostess Twinkie Day

National Hostess Twinkie Day is an annual American holiday devoted to a great roll with buttercream. Children love it, but adults can also indulge in this sweet treat. The holiday is celebrated on April 6, and it’s a great excuse to buy and enjoy a taste of Twinkie!


The history of rolls begins in 1930, when they were created by D. Dewar, who was the head of a large bakery company, Comntinental Baking. Originally, the finished dessert was produced in the form of shortbread cookies filled with cream by hand. Later, the appearance of the rolls was updated and machine methods were actively introduced into production. It became possible to produce large quantities in a shorter time.

More and more new recipes for rolls were created, the main emphasis was placed on flavor variety. Creation of various fillings allowed increasing the range of products to several dozens. Today Twinkie rolls do not lose their popularity, and the variety of flavors will surprise any lover of sweets!

Interesting facts

  • The first filling was banana-flavored. The impetus for the new fillings came from the banana shortage that emerged during WWII.
  • Twinkie rolls take a very long time to store. Because of this, they are considered unhealthy food. The oldest roll in storage at the company today dates back to 1976.
  • Since 2013, roll production has been controlled by Apollo Global Management.

How to celebrate

Buy your favorite Twinkie roll at the store. If you haven’t tried any flavors yet, fix that misunderstanding today!

Spread the word about the feast on social media. Ask users when they first tried Twinkie rolls. What was your impression of such a dessert?

When is National Hostess Twinkie Day celebrated in 2024?

National Hostess Twinkie Day is observed on April 6 each year.


Saturday April 6 2024
Sunday April 6 2025
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