National Kick Butt Day - October
Mon, Oct 9, 2023

National Kick Butt Day

National Kick Butt Day is celebrated annually on October 10th, and it was created for those who need that extra push to reach their goals. Everyone is invited to join the celebration and spread the word!


People often give up on their goals due to fatigue, lack of motivation, or burnout. National Kick Butt Day was created to inspire individuals to keep striving for their dreams, no matter what the obstacles are. This holiday was first celebrated in 2003 and quickly gained popularity. Participants of the events reported feeling supported by like-minded people who helped them continue on their journey.

Interesting facts

These points will help you stay on track:

  • Support from loved ones. Don’t let your family down, and lean on them in tough times.
  • Rewards for success. Make it a habit to treat yourself to something special when you reach a goal.
  • Choose goals that resonate. Make sure the goals you choose are meaningful to you, or else you’ll have to constantly convince yourself to keep going.

How to take part

There are many ways to celebrate National Kick Butt Day: apply for a dream job, start a new hobby, get a pet, fulfill an old dream, start learning a foreign language, read an inspiring book or create your own, go in for sports, or sort out a long-torturing issue. You can also gather your family and talk about your plans for the future. No matter what you choose to do, set your goals and don’t give up halfway!

When is National Kick Butt Day celebrated in 2023?

National Kick Butt Day is observed on the second Monday in October each year.


Weekday Month Day Year
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