National Pie Day - January 23
Tue, Jan 23, 2024

National Pie Day

Almost everyone loves delicious fragrant pies, but few people know that they began to cook their favorite delicacy about 1000 years ago. Dough recipes, of course, have undergone changes, but meat and fruit fillings have become traditional. National Pie Day is a great opportunity to cook your favorite pie and get together in a noisy company to enjoy excellent pastries together.


The founder of the holiday is Charlie Papazian. The nuclear engineer, who had a background as a teacher and brewer, announced to his friends in 1970 that January 23 would not only be his birthday, but also National Pie Day. What prompted him to such an idea is still a mystery.

For several years this holiday was unofficial, but in 1986 it acquired a different status thanks to the support of the American Pie Council. The community has sponsored the celebration for decades, which has become one of the most popular and beloved in the United States.

Useful facts

  • The recipe for a pie with goat cheese and honey from rye dough has been known since ancient Rome.
  • In England, the first meat pies appeared in the middle of the XII century. They had a small amount of toppings, but they were famous for their crispy crust.
  • Sweet pastries in England became popular from the beginning of the 16th century. The first cherry pie was made especially for Queen Elizabeth.
  • In America, they learned about the existence of a delicious fragrant pie from English settlers.

How to celebrate

  • Bake your favorite cake and invite family and friends to celebrate this amazing day together.
  • Prepare several varieties of fragrant pastries and take them to a homeless shelter or simply distribute them to the poor on the street.
  • For those who have never made a pie on their own, it’s time to try your hand at it.
  • It will be fun to celebrate the holiday if you gather a group of friends and arrange a competition for the best pie. The dough can be used salty or sweet, yeast or puff, and you should not limit the contestants with stuffing either. The winner will receive not only the praise of the jury, but also a small gift in the form of a cup or medal.

When is National Pie Day celebrated in 2024?

National Pie Day is observed on January 23 each year.


Weekday Month Day Year
Tuesday January 23 2024
Thursday January 23 2025
Friday January 23 2026
Saturday January 23 2027

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