National Roast Pheasant Day - October 15
Sun, Oct 15, 2023

National Roast Pheasant Day

Every year, the UK celebrates National Roast Pheasant Day on October 15. On this day, lovers of roasted pheasant can enjoy its meat in a variety of dishes. They can also learn how to cook pheasant at home.


The pheasant is a wild bird native to Asia. The bird was brought to Europe and the West along with traditional Asian cooking recipes. In 1059, King Harold of Britain offered pheasant meat as a special privilege instead of partridge meat to the canons of Waltham Abbey. Thanks to hunting, the bird’s habitat expanded to the United States, where it was brought by the governors of New York and New Jersey in 1773. Pheasants of Great Britain have since become one of the most common birds, thanks to their population being revived.

Fun facts

  • In 1789, George Washington brought a hazel pheasant to Mount Vernon territory.
  • Since the 19th century, the number of individuals of this wild bird has been increasing in Great Britain due to the fact that huntsmen have been breeding them.
  • The pheasant hunting season in the United Kingdom begins in October and ends at the beginning of February.

How to take part

You can visit a pheasant farm where these birds are grown on an industrial scale. National Roast Pheasant Day wouldn’t be complete without fried pheasant meat, which can be the main dish of a family or friendly dinner. You can take up cooking the dish yourself by enlisting one of the many recipes available online, or you can order it at a nearby restaurant.

When is National Roast Pheasant Day celebrated in 2023?

National Roast Pheasant Day is observed on October 15 each year.


Weekday Month Day Year
Sunday October 15 2023
Tuesday October 15 2024
Wednesday October 15 2025
Thursday October 15 2026

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