National Spicy Guacamole Day - November 14
Tue, Nov 14, 2023

National Spicy Guacamole Day

National Spicy Guacamole Day is celebrated on November 14 in the United States. Created for gourmet cuisine lovers, what aesthete would turn down delicious guacamole? Moreover, it can be used in any combination! So, are you with us?


Some scientists believe guacamole originated 500 years ago in Central America. In those days, it consisted of avocados and tomatoes. Perhaps someone added chili to it, but history is silent. The Spaniards had a love for the product, but were unable to grow avocados themselves so had to purchase it. Over time, guacamole became a favorite dish served in Texas and Mexican establishments.

In the 20th century, Mexican avocados were banned in America until the 1990s. When the restriction was lifted, the Americans rejoiced – their favorite product was now available! Now they like to cook it for any celebrations: many can’t imagine parties without it.

Interesting facts

Did you know that avocados are:

  • Very beneficial to the body, containing fats, antioxidants, and potassium.
  • Good for strengthening joints, lowering blood sugar and cholesterol levels, and cleansing toxins.
  • Part of the Laurel family.
  • Have more than 500 varieties.
  • Grow in pairs.
  • Is part of the most fashionable and “Instagram” dish – avocado toast.
  • Included in the Guinness Book of Records as the most nutritious fruit in the world.
  • Considered the most powerful aphrodisiac – according to the natives.
  • Stabilize the nervous system, making the human mind calmer.

How to take part

On National Day, simply cook your favorite dish and invite friends for a tasting. Look up recipes or make your own adjustments to the cooking method. Visit your favorite restaurant and request guacamole from the chef.

When is National Spicy Guacamole Day celebrated in 2023?

National Spicy Guacamole Day is observed on November 14 each year.


Weekday Month Day Year
Tuesday November 14 2023
Thursday November 14 2024
Friday November 14 2025
Saturday November 14 2026

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