National Superhero Day - April 28
Sun, Apr 28, 2024

National Superhero Day

April 28 marks the day the Marvel and DC Universe gave mankind reliable protection from global evil in the face of people with superpowers. Celebrate National Superhero Day and remember your favorite comic book character. Usually, heroes manage to prevent global catastrophe, defeat insidious enemies, and restore justice.

The History

The first superhero received artistic embodiment in 1936, and was called the Phantom. After 4 years, a heroine with outstanding abilities appeared, named Phantom Lady. In 1962, Spider-Man came into the world; in 1978, Superman. The holiday was founded by Marvel in 1995, uniting the two cinematic worlds’ fans.

How to take part

Villains are not honored on this holiday, but without opponents, heroes and their glorious exploits would not exist.

  1. Invite friends to a party. They must appear as superheroes. Laughter and cute photos are guaranteed.
  2. Review your favorite movies for moments that escaped notice the first time round.
  3. Read the description and origin story of your favorite superhero. Perhaps they have a hidden superpower, manifesting only in combination with other actions.

This holiday has evolved. In addition to honoring fictional superheroes, congratulations are given to real heroes: soldiers, doctors, rescuers, firefighters, or the neighbor who removed a screaming cat from a tree.

When is National Superhero Day celebrated in 2024?

National Superhero Day is observed on April 28 each year.


Weekday Month Day Year
Sunday April 28 2024
Monday April 28 2025

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