National Tapioca Day - June 28
Fri, Jun 28, 2024

National Tapioca Day

A healthy food item or a dish based on it should be on the table on National Tapioca Day. It is a slow carbohydrate that can be used in dietary nutrition. We enjoy these culinary delights on June 28.

The History

Tapioca is of plant origin. It is common in the Pacific Ocean and Asian regions (Indonesia, Thailand). The dish is considered useful because of its high mineral and protein content. Tapioca is made from cassava roots that have a starchy, granular structure.

Interesting Facts

A popular tapioca dish is pudding. It has a creamy taste.

  1. There are no people indifferent to tapioca: they either love it or hate it.
  2. Tapioca is useful for strengthening bones.
  3. Delicious additives to the pudding are pieces of tropical fruits, cream, and coconut milk.

Tea, cookies, tortillas are made from tapioca.

How to take part

Give tapioca a second chance if you have not been a fan of this food before. You need to try all the varieties and methods of cooking it, to get a balanced conclusion. Make wonders in your own kitchen on this national day and share photos of cups full of tapioca!

When is National Tapioca Day celebrated in 2024?

National Tapioca Day is observed on June 28 each year.


Weekday Month Day Year
Friday June 28 2024
Saturday June 28 2025