National Vodka Day - October 4
Wed, Oct 4, 2023

National Vodka Day

In National Vodka Day, you can safely raise a toast to this holiday! This is a versatile drink in terms of alcohol – it is drunk alone or mixed with other drinks, resulting in rich and flavorful cocktails. On October 4, you can relax and have some fun, right?


The drink is closely associated with Eastern Europe, and it is not known for certain in which country it was produced first. Russia and Poland compete in this matter, although it is customary to consider the Russians as the first creators. The word “vodka” comes from the Russian combination “little water”, and it is thought to have been created in Russia in the 9th century. In the Napoleonic era, French and Russian soldiers were scattered across the territories, popularizing the drink.

In the US, National Vodka Day has existed since 2009. The date is mentioned on news portals and magazines, and the originator of the idea remains a mystery.

Interesting facts

Curiously, vodka:

  • is the purest drink in the world;
  • contains 40% alcohol and 60% water;
  • can be very strong – for example, in Scotland, the fortress reaches 88,8%. Black vodka is also produced in the same country;
  • Russo-Baltique (1 bottle) costs 1 million 400 thousand dollars;
  • has museums – the largest is in Moscow;
  • according to the classics, it is created from grain or potatoes;
  • “clouds” the mind more seriously than other strong drinks;
  • is more appreciated if it has no taste – ideally it is drunk easily, like water.

How to take part

Gather your friends and have a party! You can invite a professional who will show you how to make cocktails correctly and in what proportions. Alternatively, you can learn on your own – there are a huge number of recipes on the Internet. If you don’t drink alcohol, you can still join in by studying vodka history, watching documentaries, and more. Remember, the abuse of even the purest alcohol negatively affects human health.

When is National Vodka Day in 2023?

National Vodka Day is observed on October 4 each year.


Weekday Month Day Year
Wednesday October 4 2023
Friday October 4 2024
Saturday October 4 2025
Sunday October 4 2026

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