National Workaholics Day - July 5
Fri, Jul 5, 2024

National Workaholics Day

Celebrated on July 5, National Workaholics Day is a reminder to strike a balance between career building and leisure. Workaholics constantly feel the need to give 100% in the workplace, which is why they sacrifice their health and good relationships. Working on your life’s work is good, but you need to know when to stop.


The work ethic has changed many times over the course of history. In the 16th century, the Puritans considered work to be a duty that could not be shied away from, and a confirmation of strong faith. Only diligent workers were considered sufficiently religious and respected in society. The Puritans, fleeing religious persecution, established a society in New England where the work ethic was based on hard work that would be rewarded in heaven. For centuries, the connection between work and faith has persisted.

With the rise of industrial society in the 20th century, when factories appeared and workers were needed, people were ready to work for them at irregular hours, up to 16 hours a day. Trade unions that defend the rights of the population normalized the work schedule, but overtime was still encouraged by higher wages. This led to the emergence of careerists who were ready to work almost around the clock, to their own detriment. In 1968, comedian Roger Dangerfield used the word ‘workaholic’ when describing his own alcohol-addicted father, because he used alcohol to try to cope with the heavy burden of work.

Interesting facts

  • In 1971, the book by W. Oates Confessions of a Workaholic was published;
  • Due to the spread of workaholism in Japan, they began to treat it with massive social programs;
  • The US economy loses over $300 billion and 13 million days of work a year, due to sick days from overwork.

How to take part

On National Workaholics Day, it’s good to remember your other hobbies that are not related to work. It is also advisable to take a day off just to relax. Self-esteem should not depend on success in the workplace, you should not overwork and refuse vacations especially if, because of this, your health and family relations are already deteriorating.

When is National Workaholics Day celebrated in 2024?

National Workaholics Day is observed on July 5 each year.


Weekday Month Day Year
Friday July 5 2024
Saturday July 5 2025
Monday July 5 2026