Reach as High as You Can Day - April 14
Sun, Apr 14, 2024

Reach as High as You Can Day

Reach as High as You Can Day is an American holiday that encourages people to believe in themselves and achieve their desired success. We all have dreams and desires, but their likelihood of realization depends only on our efforts and approach. It is celebrated annually on April 14.


Reach as High as You Can Day has been contributed by thousands of people around the world who have achieved resounding success. They were determined, they didn’t pay attention to other people’s opinions or critics, and they just went after their goal.

Thinking of people who reached heights, we can name Yuri Gagarin, who was the first to conquer outer space. The list includes Thomas Jefferson, who was talented in everything, but most importantly he was able to fulfill his aspirations for freedom and independence by creating and signing the Declaration of Independence of the United States. Inventor Thomas Edison developed the electric light bulb. Thanks to his past merit, today we can enjoy street lighting and lights in our homes that require only the flick of a switch.

Interesting facts

  • Psychologists recommend writing down even the smallest successes in a diary in order to successfully achieve your goals. Rereading them, you will get a charge of motivation to move forward, because a lot has already been achieved through your hard work and persistence!
  • Don’t ignore other people’s advice, sometimes it can be helpful. But approach everything critically, also do not pay attention to those who are jealous.

How to celebrate

Take stock today of your goals: what has been achieved and what is on the way to success. Break down the big goals into smaller tasks. Let this day become a rethinking of your life, thanks to which you can find the strength to move on and choose the right path.

Spread the word on social media. Let more people know about it!

When is Reach as High as You Can Day celebrated in 2024?

Reach as High as You Can Day is observed on April 14 each year.


Sunday April 14 2024
Monday April 14 2025
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