Red Hat Society Day - April 25
Thu, Apr 25, 2024

Red Hat Society Day

Red Hat Society Day is an American holiday dedicated to the women’s organization Red Hat. It is a society to which women over 50 years of age belong. Its representatives urge all women to let go of gloomy thoughts about approaching old age and understand that at 50 life only begins! It is celebrated annually on April 25.


The history of Red Hat Society Day begins on April 25, 1998, when the first meeting of society representatives was held. The sorority and the holiday itself were initiated by Sue Ellen Cooper.

The idea of the founder was to create a society in which 50-year-old women (and older) could feel free, have support and like-minded people. Today the RHS is one of the best known women’s organizations that promotes the principles of women’s friendship, sisterhood, mutual support, and more.

Women who have reached the age of 50 should realize that their life is just beginning. Over the years, they have gained invaluable experience, which they can use to fulfill all their desires and further develop in their favorite business. It is also a great age to find new hobbies and hobbies that bring pleasure.

Interesting facts

  • Women under the age of 50 are recommended to wear pink hats and use lavender tones in clothing. From this age, darker items of clothing (red hats and purple clothing) can be worn.
  • The activities of the organization are varied: dinner parties, special interest meetings, meetings, entertainment, etc.

How to celebrate

Learn more about Red Hat Society today. If you are a woman in your 50s, consider joining this organization. You’ll definitely love it!

Spread the word about the holiday on social media. Ask female users if they are members of the community. If so, have them share their impressions of it.

When Red Hat Society Day celebrated in 2024?

Red Hat Society Day is observed on April 25 each year.


Weekday Month Day Year
Thursday April 25 2024
Friday April 25 2025

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