Terri’s Day - March 31
Sun, Mar 31, 2024

Terri’s Day

Terri’s Day is an American holiday dedicated to the eternal public debate about life and death for seriously ill/disabled patients. Created in honor of a woman named Terri Sh. Schiavo, whose story will forever be remembered in society. The holiday is celebrated annually on March 31.


The Terri’s Day celebration was created in memory of Terri Schindler Schiavo. One day in the winter of 1990, at the age of 26, she fainted. Her heart stopped, but doctors were able to keep her alive. Doctors attributed the incident to an eating disorder. Unfortunately, there was brain damage during the clinical death. After her heart was started, the girl needed to be permanently connected to a special machine. Her life became dependent on the tube for nourishment and hydration.

Eight years later, her husband, Michael, stated that Terri did not want to continue living like this and asked to be allowed to die by disconnecting the power tube. However, parents did not support the initiative. There were many lawsuits and appeals, and eventually the court recognized the right of the legal husband to make medical decisions for his spouse. After disconnecting the tube, she passed away less than two weeks later, on March 31, 2005.

Since then, the holiday has been dedicated to all disabled and seriously ill people. Its creators advocate the life of such people, which cannot be interrupted unless the person himself asks for it.

Interesting facts

  • Even President Roosevelt intervened in the Terry situation, involving the federal courts.
  • There are approximately one billion people with disabilities in the world. Severe violations have about 150 million. man.

How to celebrate

Find out more details from the story of Terri Schiavo’s girlfriend. Volunteer for a day or donate some money to charities that raise money for the disabled.

Spread the word on social media. Let more people know about him!

When is Terri’s Day celebrated in 2024?

Terri’s Day is observed on March 31 each year.


Weekday Month Day Year
Sunday March 31 2024
Monday March 31 2025