Universal Hour of Peace Day - December 31
Sun, Dec 31, 2023

Universal Hour of Peace Day

Universal Hour of Peace is the most important day of the year to contribute to the cause of peace on our planet. In a time of war and dangerous weapons that can potentially end humanity, we must work together to foster harmonious relations between peoples.


The celebration takes place from 23:30 December 31 to 12:30 January 1 and covers all time zones. This day was founded by activist Barbara Condron in 1995, and was first celebrated in the fall on October 24th. The following year, it was changed to the end of the year.

The end of the year is a great time to take stock and plan for the future. However, it can be difficult to do this when there are conflicts in the world. It requires tremendous effort to prevent or end wars. But the holiday is not just relevant globally, it is also important for families to resolve misunderstandings and troubles. This is a great time to reconcile with a loved one and start anew.

How to take part

To take part in the Universal Hour of Peace:

  • Look for events dedicated to the date in your city.
  • Make donations to organizations providing aid to people in military conflicts.
  • Show kindness to at least one person today.
  • Share quotes about peace and unity on social networks.

Finally, free yourself from negativity and the coming year will be a happy one!

When is Universal Hour of Peace Day celebrated in 2023?

Universal Hour of Peace Day is observed on December 31 each year.


Weekday Month Day Year
Sunday December 31 2023
Tuesday December 31 2024
Wednesday December 31 2025
Thursday December 31 2026