World Communion Sunday - October
Sun, Oct 1, 2023

World Communion Sunday

World Communion Sunday invites Christians around the world to come together and partake of the sacrament. This process is important for believers, as it is a way to honor the church and recognize Jesus Christ as its head. People come together in joy and faith, expressing their gratitude to the Lord for all they have in life. Everyone is invited to join!


When the holiday was initially introduced, it did not take hold. It was only after the Second World War that it began to gain traction in the United States, eventually spreading to churches around the world. The event was spearheaded by world leader, evangelist, and ecumenist Jesse Moren Bader.

Communion has been celebrated in different cultures in various ways over the years, with bread, wine, or grape juice being used as symbols of the body and blood of Christ. This is based on the Bible’s description of Jesus and his disciples sharing the last meal before the crucifixion, known as the Last Supper.

Interesting facts

  • A Christian’s hope of eternal life cannot be achieved without communion.
  • Despite serious epidemics that have occurred throughout history, there has never been an instance of infection through the Holy Chalice.
  • Churches usually use red wine due to its similarity to blood, but this is not a required factor.
  • Statistics show that Christians make up a third of the world’s population.
  • The holiday does not need to be celebrated on its official date – any convenient day can be chosen.

How to take part

Find out if your local church is hosting services. Take your loved ones with you, educate them on the history of the day. Listen to religious music, bake bread, and help spread the word on social media.

When is World Communion Sunday celebrated in 2023?

World Communion Sunday is observed on the first Sunday in October each year.


Weekday Month Day Year
Sunday October 1 2023
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