World Day for Safety and Health at Work - April 28
Sun, Apr 28, 2024

World Day for Safety and Health at Work

World Day for Safety and Health at Work is an annual global celebration of occupational safety and health. It falls on April 28. It encourages all employers to comply with all health and safety requirements to create an ideal and safe working environment for employees.


The history of the holiday begins in 2003. The initiative to create this day was taken by the ILO. The main goal of WDfSaHaW is to reduce the number of occupational accidents and occupational illnesses by means of strict compliance by employers with all occupational safety requirements.

The concept of occupational safety originated in 1818, when the Workmen’s Supervision Act came into being. Initially it concerned employees in mines and mines, but safety requirements gradually appeared at other sites. Today, they are enshrined at the state level. If the requirements are violated, the employee has the right to appeal to law enforcement and the employer will be punished!

Interesting facts

  • About 19% of deaths worldwide are due to workplace accidents.
  • Working conditions in the workplace must be safe so that a person does not suffer an injury or occupational disease throughout his or her working life. Special requirements are attached to dangerous and hazardous production.
  • The easiest way to protect yourself from injury is to use personal protective equipment (special suits, helmets, gloves, etc.). According to statistics, more than a third of all accidents are caused by the stupidity of the employee who neglected the basic rules of protection.

How to celebrate

Find out more information about the safety requirements for your workplace. Are they fully complied with? If not, ask your supervisor or higher authority about it.

Spread the word about the holiday on social media. Ask users if they had any work-related injuries or occupational illnesses? What was their cause?

When is World Day for Safety and Health at Work celebrated in 2024?

World Day for Safety and Health at Work is observed on April 28 each year.


Weekday Month Day Year
Sunday April 28 2024
Monday April 28 2025

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